2.7   Medicine Policy

We believe that children who are sick should be at home until they are well enough to return to the pre-school. However, we recognise that sometimes children will need medication to help maintain their health and well-being or when they are recovering from an illness. In these circumstances, we will agree to administer medication. Administering medicines will only be done where it would be detrimental to the child’s health if not given in the setting. We will only administer prescribed medicines. 


Parents/carers must give prior written consent for the administration of medication. No medication will be given unless the consent form is complete and signed. The form includes the following information: 

o   Full name of child 

o   Date of birth 

o   Name of medication and strength 

o   Name of prescribing doctor 

o   Dosage to be given in the pre-school 

o   Timing of dosage to be given, if applicable 

o   How the medication should be stored and expiry date 

o   Any possible side effects that may be expected 

o   Signature, printed name of parent/guardian and date 


The administration of medicine must be recorded accurately each time it is given and signed by staff. Parents must sign the record when they collect their child to acknowledge the administration of a medicine. The medication record book must record 

o   Name of child 

o   Name and strength of medication 

o   Date and time of dose 

o   Signatures of staff and parent 

Medicine that has not been prescribed by a doctor will not be administered. The medicine will be checked to ensure that it has been prescribed to the child and is in date. Any special medicines, such as an epi-pen, will come with a specific plan and this will be kept with the epi-pen by the preschool. This will be stored safely within reach in the case of an emergency. It will be kept out of reach of the children. The first aiders have had epi-pen training. 

Reviewed: 05/10/2021