2.6   Oral Hygiene

Toothbrushing At Home 

Parents/ Guardians will be encouraged to continue regular brushing at home (i.e., holiday brushing charts) 

Parents and guardians can access information about tooth brushing or oral health via our display boards, our Instagram (@earlychildhoodexplained) and soon our parent training site (preciousapproach.co.uk) 


·      Oral health will be included in the curriculum and in any learning opportunities where appropriate 

·      Dental health will feature as a theme, (e.g., dentist’s corner, stories, songs, etc) 

·      Good oral hygiene will be promoted at all times 

Parents and guardians 

Parents and guardians will be encouraged to read and feedback on oral health policy and classroom practice 

The policy will be included in the induction for new parents/ guardians 


Appropriate training and information will be given and shared between all staff in the nursery 

All staff will be familiar with this policy 

The Preschool

Snacks will be varied, and all children encouraged (never forced) to try new foods. Children are provided with tooth friendly snacks (i.e., foods with low sugar content) 

Milk and water only will be offered to the children as a drink with their snack or at other times throughout the day. 

No fizzy drinks will be served in the nursery at any time

 Reviewed: 05/10/2021