1.14 Security
The security measures put into place at Precious Playdays have taken into account the need to balance the need to remain a welcoming environment whilst ensuring the safety of all our children and staff. A security risk assessment will be completed and reviewed annually (or earlier if deemed necessary). The findings will be used in the review of this security policy and shared with staff.
Access to the building:
The school will take all reasonable efforts to control access to the buildings and grounds of the school to prevent unauthorised access to children and ensure the personal safety of staff. Gates directly to the outdoor areas are locked with coded padlocks. Visitors are required to sign in and wear a Visitors badge.
Visitors, contractors, and maintenance personnel:
The control of visitors, contractors and maintenance personnel is a fundamental part of our site security policy for the safeguarding of both people and property. Appropriate checks will be undertaken in respect of visitors and volunteers coming into school. Visitors will be expected to sign in and out via the entrance lobby visitors log and to display a visitors’ badge whilst on preschool site. Any individual who is not known or identifiable should be challenged for clarification and reassurance.
The preschool will not accept the behaviour of any individual (parent or other) that threatens school security or leads others (child or adult) to feel unsafe. Such behaviour will be treated as a serious concern and may result in a decision to refuse access for that individual to the school site.
Visitors for the centre
The office manager has a doorbell that chimes in her office, she welcomes any centre visitors at the main door and accompanies them up to her office. She informs Peace or Lianne when she is going to the door. Lianne or Peace are always in the main room with the children. Lianne or Peace will ensure the safety of the children whilst the visitor remains in the building.
Reviewed: 05/10/2021