1.15 Whistleblowing Policy
This policy applies to all employees and applies equally to those designated as casual, temporary or work experience students. As childcare provider’s it is out individual responsibility to maintain the welfare of both the children and staff. It is our duty to express any concerns or issues to a senior member of staff as soon as we notice anything that could raise concern.
What is whistleblowing?
Whistleblowing is a term used when someone who works in or for an organisation wishes to raise concerns about malpractice in the organisation. Whistleblowing encourages and enables staff to raise serious concerns within the nursery, rather than overlooking a problem or “blowing the whistle” outside. The nursery is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability.
Making a disclosure in the public interest (whistleblowing) is essential for keeping children safe in the setting and to ensure good quality practice across the setting. This policy is underpinned by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, which encourages people to raise concerns about misconduct or malpractice in the workplace, in order to promote good governance and accountability in the public interest. The act covers behaviour that amounts to;
A criminal offence
Failure to comply with any legal obligation
A miscarriage of justice
Danger to health and safety of an individual and/or environment
Bullying, humiliation, discrimination, poor practice, unsafe practice, abuse or neglect
Deliberate concealment of information about any of the above
Aim of the policy
To encourage you to feel confident in raising concerns and to question and act upon concerns and practise
To provide avenues for you to raise concerns in confidence and receive feedback on any action taken
To reassure you that you will be protected from possible reprisals or victimisation if you have a reasonable belief that you have made a disclosure in good faith.
To ensure that you receive a response to your concerns and that you are aware of how to pursue them if you are not satisfied.
Precious Play Days Preschool recognises that the decision to report a concern can sometimes be a difficult one to make. If what you are saying is true, then you should have nothing to be worried about as you will be doing your duty to your employer and those for whom you provide a service. Fear of getting information incorrect or being disbelieved may lead to concerns being ignored and an issue not raised.
Any employee or volunteer who, acting in good faith, wishes to raise such concern should normally report the matter to their supervisor or manager immediately.
Concerns will be investigated and resolved as quickly as possible. If an employee or volunteer feels that the matter cannot be discussed with the managers, then Ofsted can be contacted by email- whistleblowing@ofsted.gov.uk or by phone on 0300 123 1231
Don’t think “what if I’m wrong?”, think, “what if I’m right?!”
Precious Play Days preschool will not tolerate any harassment or victimisation (including informal pressures) and will take appropriate action to protect you when you raise a concern in good faith, that you will not suffer anypersonal detriment as a result of raising any genuine concern about misconduct or malpractice within the setting.
Reviewed: 05/10/2021